In addition to funding the acquisition of sacred ground within the boundaries of existing national battlefields, national military parks, national historical parks, national historic sites and national monuments by the National Park Service, LWCF helps to protect land outside those boundaries through the American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP). The Battlefield Land Acquisition Grant Program provides grants to States and local communities to protect and preserve historic battlefield land. The program supports the permanent protection of battlefield lands through fee acquisition or through an easement. In cooperation with state, local and private partners, ABPP has protected more than 28,000 acres since 1999 with over $86 million from LWCF.
Nonprofit partners can collaborate with states and municipalities to identify community needs, develop a strong grant application, and secure matching funds from a variety of public and private sources.
State and local governments are eligible to apply, while nonprofits and Tribal governments may act as subrecipients of grant funds and project partners.
Grants are available for acquisition through fee purchase or for permanent easements.
To be eligible for acquisition, land must be at least 50% within the boundary of one of the 384 battlefields identified in the 1993 Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields, or one of the 677 battlefields identified in the 2007 Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Historic Preservation Study (Click here for data on the boundary areas).
Minimum of 50% non-federal match of the total project cost.
Grant Information
Current Grant Round - Deadline 12/31/25
Top Photo: Gettysburg Battlefield, Credit: NPS