We are a broad coalition of stakeholders from across the U.S. that support the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is America's most important program to conserve irreplaceable lands and improve outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the nation. The program works in partnership with federal, state and local efforts to protect land in our national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests, national trails, and other public lands; to preserve working forests and ranchlands; to support state and local parks and playgrounds; to preserve battlefields and other historic and cultural sites; and to provide the tools that communities need to meet their diverse conservation and recreation needs.

Faces and Places of LWCF


Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park, Georgia

Thanks to our partners at The Trust for Public Land, a multi-decade goal has been realized in the creation of a map detailing 56 years of data from all ten LWCF programs. The years-long effort to permanently authorize and fund LWCF, which culminated in the enactment of the Great American Outdoors Act in August 2020, further underscored the need for a comprehensive database of LWCF investments. Click on the image to view this incredible map and the LWCF funded spots in your backyard.

Join the Coalition

The LWCF Coalition is powerful because it brings together so many different people and organizations to advocate for LWCF.


Since 1964 The Land and Water Conservation Fund has helped conserve thousands of acres across the United States.

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